Lesser Fritillaries

Boloria is another genus of Fritillaries. They are characterized by their smaller size per the name "Lesser." Most are confined to the cooler alpine meadows of the Northwoods, high elevations and the Subarctic. These species are able to survive very frigid temperatures. They are also not strictly bivoltine like the Argynnis. Some species such the Meadow Fritillary can 3 generations per year. Subarctic species like the Purplish Fritillary just have a single, short brood. 

Silver Bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene)                                                                Meadow Fritillary (Boloria bellona) Image by Fyn Kynd.

Bog Fritillary (Boloria eunomia) Image by Fyn Kynd                                                                   Purplish Fritillary (Boloria chariclea)

Frigga Fritillary (Boloria frigga)  Image by Dfaulder                                                                    Freija Fritillary (Boloria freija)

Conservation needs 

Lesser Fritillary populations also suffer from the effects of habitat loss. Frigga, Freija, Purplish, and Bog Fritillaries require bogs often with Sphagnum moss in northern woodlands. They are also quite sensitive to temperature changes and require colder climates. It is also imperative that no pesticides or chemicals leak into bogs as that will decimate the larvae. 


A typical northern alkaline bog. The left is image is by Aaron Gunnar