
The Argynni tribe is a group with many different species. Some species are genetically distant from the Greater and the Lesser. These odd species typically belong to a small genus or a monotypic one (single species genus). Only a handful are found in the New World and just 2 are native to the East. 

Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)

This little butterfly is well known for its restless wandering. They fly from the South to Canada over the summer. They also migrate southward parallelling the Atlantic or other major waterways. Genetically, they are closer to the Heliconians of the tropics and they can feed off Passionflower. They prefer Violets in the North. 

Gulf Fritillary (Dione incarnata)

The sparkling Gulf Fritillary is found throughout the Southeast, Southwest, and the tropics to Argentina. They are in a small genus that is predominantly in South America. They are closer related to the tropical Heliconians than the temperate Fritillaries as they do not feed on Violets but Passionflower. 

Conservation strategy 

Minimal conservation is needed for these species. They actually benefit from urbanization with the planting of gardens with ornamental Passion Vine.